John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Recreational by Hance ConstructionHance Construction
Hance Construction was asked to lend its construction expertise at one of Wiley’s busy distribution centers, built in the 1960’s. The company was first tasked with renovating the conventional structure to better meet the publisher’s needs. An oversized and underused commercial kitchen was removed and replaced with a lunchroom/café/vending area. Remaining floor space was used to accommodate a new computer lab, three offices and two conference rooms fitted out with white boards and other tools.
The other task was a 30’x30’ exterior columned pavilion featuring a wood trussed roof system, metal standing seam roof, eight decorated columns, maintenance-free composite trim on all exterior surfaces, as well as ceiling fans and lighting to maximize its usability.
Our Role: Kitchen & Conference Area Renovations & Outdoor Pavilion
Architecture Firm: Mark Yarrington Architectural Group, Bridgewater, NJ
The facility manager, Bob Jankowski, couldn’t have been happier, saying “I’ve been very pleased with the quality of work provided by Hance Construction and their willingness to work on off-hours enabled us to sail through the renovation phase without any loss in operational productivity.”